AquaOne: Premium Drinking Water Service and Delivery || Call 1-888-631-7588

Aqua One Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How much water should I drink everyday?

That depends on your body weight and daily activity level. A general rule of thumb is to drink at least eight glasses of water a day (1 glass=8 ounces, 8 glasses=64 ounces). However, the more active you are, the more water your body needs.

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I do not seem as thirsty when I am cold. Do I need to drink as much water?

Absolutely! You still lose water through perspiration and exhaled air. When cold, dry air is inhaled, it is warmed and moistened in the lungs and exhaled as humid warm air. This process makes intense demands on the body's water supply.

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Can I tell how much water my body needs by how much I sweat?

No. Sweat is not an accurate indicator of dehydration. The amount a person sweats can depend on a variety of factors such as environment, clothing, temperature and activity level. You can't judge your hydration level by the amount of sweat on your skin or t-shirt, or by how thirsty you feel.

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Can I drink soft drinks to rehydrate?

No. The caffeine found in many soft drinks acts as a diuretic and depletes your body of fluids rather than replenishing them. By drinking these beverages, you could be making matters worse.

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The tap water in my area is proclaimed to be “safe to drink”. So what are the advantages of bottled water?

Tap water quality is inconsistent and suffers from several disadvantages. First, municipal tap water is usually treated with chlorine, which makes the water taste bitter. Second, tap water flows through pipes, which in older buildings, may contain lead. Its quality is not guaranteed by the time it reaches you. Furthermore, the supplies are often threatened by industrialization, agriculture, and natural disasters.

Bottled water, on the other hand, offers a more consistent, superior taste compared to tap water. It contains no lead or other harmful chemicals, and no chlorine is used during the purification process. The sealed bottle also protects the water to ensure its quality when it reaches you.

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I’ve been boiling tap water so far without any problems. Are there any reasons why I should switch to bottled water?

While boiling tap water kills some harmful bacteria, it does not remove any of the chemicals or minerals that may make the water taste objectionable, or may be hazardous to your health. Boiling tap water is also inconvenient and wastes energy and time.

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What about pitcher filters?

Pitcher filters will remove chlorine taste and odor as well as reducing some other harmful chemicals from tap water.  However, they do not purify water to the same degree as the bottled water manufacturing process.  Our bottling process removes over 99.99% of all total dissolved solids and harmful chemicals found in tap water.  Also, pitcher filters must be replaced every two months to retain optimal performance which adds expense and hassle.

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How long can I store bottled water?

The Food and Drug Administration has not established a shelf life for bottled water. Bottled water can be used indefinitely if stored properly. We generally recommend consumption of your bottled water products within two years. Our route sales associates rotate all large inventories at customer sites in order to ensure "first in first out" use of your AquaOne products.

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What is the proper way to store bottled water?

Bottled water should be stored in a cool (i.e. room temperature), dry environment away from chemicals such as household cleaning products and away from solvents such as gasoline, paint thinners and other toxic materials.

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Does bottled water contain chlorine?

No. Bottlers do not use chlorine as a final disinfecting agent in bottled water. Bottlers use ozone (O3), a form of oxygen, or ultraviolet light. Unlike chlorine, which is commonly used in public water supplies, these methods disinfect water without leaving any after taste or smell.

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Why should people pay to drink bottled water when they can drink tap water for free?

The number one reason consumers choose bottled water is taste. Unlike tap water which uses chlorine as a final disinfectant, bottled water is most commonly disinfected with ozone, which does not leave a residual taste.  Second, consumers are often concerned about the quality of their tap water.  In addition to concerns about chlorine by-products, contaminants such as lead, nitrates and micro-organisms have been discovered in some municipal water supplies. Consumers are turning to bottled water because they can be assured of the product's safety and quality. The third reason consumers often choose bottled water is for what it does not contain -- calories, caffeine or alcohol.  As many consumers strive to lead a more healthy lifestyle, they turn more frequently to bottled water.